Daphne Dixon

Sep 7, 20222 min

2022 "Level UP!" & reboot for 2023

For friends and fans who know me, or have been following long enough, you will recognize this old familiar pattern:

It's time for another update!

As I grow, so does my approach, and my service.

This year has been full of big shifts for me. I set an intention at the beginning of 2022 to "level up!", as a reminder to operate at the level I am meant for. To do this required some deep introspection and hard work to break through some of the barriers that have been holding me back. In the process, I unlocked a key piece of information for my growth that has proven to be beneficial in many ways.

Additionally my mother passed away this year as well, which is contributing to the pull for transformation. As I process that, part of what is emerging is a pull to step more fully into my own matriarchal energy, fully formed from my own life experiences. There is a new power I am finding there…a different sense of self that has always been there germinating, and is now fully ready to emerge.

All of this translates into my work, and how I want to approach the things I create professionally. One of the many things I love about this work is how it has helped me grow and heal, and to find what I need for myself as I also help others on their own path. Those that share similar interests and energy are attracted to the energy I put out in my writings, marketing, and social media posts, and it has led to meeting some amazing people…some of you that I have known for decades. <3

There are still some things to get in place before I share more about what is to come (we must ground before we ascend…), but I am starting to clear the old energy out to make room for the new. I have deleted my public twitter feed, and will likely do the same with IG soon. (IG is currently set to private.) I have taken most of my website down, and have decided to pause taking new clients until I am done with the reboot, and create better clarity about the next phase of my journey. The Gold Club and Packages pages are still up behind passwords for known clients to reference, and the blog and forum will remain an active outlet in the interim.

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to receive notices and updates on the changes coming, and known clients can continue to find photos, info and more personal interactions via Gold Club page, private twitter feed, telegram, and email. Email me if you need password and/or links to any of these outlets.

May you all be finding the footholds you need to create the fulfillment we all crave in our souls… It looks different to all of us, but feels the same within.

Sending much love to you all!
